Nexus Madagascar
Sustainable fishing business
The NEXUS Madagsacar Company (NEMACO) equips rural villages with access to infrastructure for fishing as well as to safe drinking water, clean energy and communication. NEMACO is based on a social business model that ensures long-term operations without the need to raise new funds on an ongoing basis.
Corona crisis - please donate!
A gift with impact?!
The Corona pandemic also had an impact on the business of Nemaco. Our most relevant sales channel – hotels and restaurants – broke down due to lockdowns and closed borders. This means we need to sell our high-quality products at lower prices.
We are now at a point where our funds are running out. To continue and stabilize our business activities, Nemaco needs support. Please find more information here.
A small support from your end can have a big impact for Nemaco and secure our activities in the long-term. Thank you!
NEXUS Madagascar GmbH
St. Leonhardstrase 45
9001 St. Gallen
Bank Account
St. Galler Kantonalbank
IBAN: CH18 0078 1622 6544 4200 0
Support for smallholders
NEMACO equips 55 villages with access to infrastructure and logistics for fishing as well as to safe drinking water, clean energy and communication. It organizes the smallholders in cooperatives so they can become shareholder of NEMACO, ensures training and helps them to sell their products on the market.
These efforts will improve the living conditions and the management of natural resources in one of the poorest regions. The project gives the rural population a new perspective, shifts additional added value to the region and creates jobs.
That’s how it works
NEMACO is the link between local producers and the market. The company buys its products from producers at fair prices, ensures storage, processing steps, logistics and the sale at the market.
The turnover of NEMACO results from the sale of fisheries products on the market. Thanks to higher quantities and a better quality in the medium term, NEMACO achieves increased prices compared to the fishers today.
With these revenues, NEMACO finances the infrastructure and logistics, but it can also provide e.g. fishers with fishing equipment or farmers with seeds, training or machinery. This system enables a self-propelled potential to scale and develop further.